Totems : totems that grant only friendly beneficial effects will no longer trigger attacks from neutral city guards 图腾:对友方增益的图腾不会引起中立城市守卫的攻击。
Totems : totems that grant only friendly beneficial effects will no longer trigger attacks from neutral city guards 图腾:现在图腾的增益效果不在引发中立城市卫兵的攻击了
In the fourth group , count rastoptchin was saying that he , with the moscow city guard , was ready to die under the walls of the city , but that still he could not but complain of the uncertainty in which he had been left , and that had he known it earlier , things would have been different 曾经预料过也会那样保卫莫斯科的。第四圈人中,拉斯托普钦伯爵在谈他决心与莫斯科义勇队一道捐躯于城下,他无论如何也不能不惋惜他当时处于情况不明之中,如果他先就知道是这样,情况就会不同。